giovedì 28 aprile 2011

Possible about screen seems to confirm Epic 4G Gingerbread build in testing

Epic 4G Gingerbrad buildPreface this with the usual "It's possible to make a "custom" (read fake) about screen in 30 seconds on a rooted phone," but this about screen making the rounds today seems to confirm the story we broke a couple weeks ago that showed Gingerbread build ED12 for the Sprint Epic 4G is in testing. And it also goes along with a poorly photoshopped promo pic that's been making the rounds today, too.

Brief Mobile's source tells them it's got a goal of May 15 to finish up the Android 2.3.3 update, but the same source also says it won't be out before the EVO 3D, which might or might not be on June 5. So will we see a more recent build before then? It's certainly possible.

Us? We're taking all this with a pretty huge grain of salt until it's official. Because it's pretty much impossible to peg the date an update will start to push -- and even then there's no guarantee that the update won't be pulled for some reason, and we've seen early builds leak out week before.

So nobody get your hopes up just yet for anything official, and keep an eye on our build.prop Hall of Shame. Just sayin'.

Source: Brief Mobile

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Epic 4G Gingerbrad build

Possible about screen seems to confirm Epic 4G Gingerbread build in testing posted originally by Android Central

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