domenica 12 giugno 2011

Halfbrick puts you in zombie hell with Age of Zombies [video]

Age of Zombies

Halfbrick, creator of the super popular Fruit Ninja, has released Age of Zombies on the Android Market today. The zombierific game puts you in the shoes of badass, Barry Steakfries. Our hero is on a mission to protect the Earth from Professor Brains who is plotting to destroy humanity with zombies. Armed with cheesy one-liners and tons of big guns, Steakfries reminds us of popular video game character, Duke Nukem.

“We’re happy to finally bring Barry to Android,” says Michael Dobele, Executive Producer. “Our fans have been following his time-travelling adventures online for a while, and we’re excited to release the full version of the game out to the greater Android market.”

Age of Zombies isn't new to mobile games, though. It's already been on iOS and PlayStation Minis for months already. In fact, Xperia Play owners have been killing zombies for a few weeks now. The zombie filled game was a timed exclusive on the Sony Ericsson device. The game is priced at $2.99 according to the press release, but a quick Market search lists the game for $3.16.

Hit the break to see some gameplay footage and Market link.

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